Message archive

Stuck on Truth

Seth Snowden, leader of Breakaway, shares a message from their series entitled, “Stuck.” As followers of Jesus Christ, we should recognize the value that the Word of God has for our lives. Truth is to be the very foundation on which we are planted. It should be our delight and our desire to be rooted…

Hide or Seek

The one thing that David sought after the most was to dwell in the presence of the Lord. However, we see through the examples of Jonah and Adam and Eve that disobedience pushes us to hide from His presence. This year, in 2014, you can either attempt to hide from God or you can seek…

Press On & Take Hold

Paul was able to press on through trial, tribulation, and persecution because he had a proper picture of Christ. He chose to neglect that which was behind him and place focus on what was ahead. He knew that his home was not of this world, but was an upward call to be with Christ Jesus.…

God With Us

From the beginning of Creation, we see the desire of God to be in relationship with His creation. After the fall of man, God leads a chosen people by hand to preserve the hope of reconciliation. Then God Himself puts on flesh and steps into the world that He created inn order to repair that…