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Adjust and Trust

There are times in life when suddenly, “it” happens. Something that was unplanned and unexpected springs up in our life that causes us to make an adjustment. Whether it’s a new job, a new birth, a change in career, or the lost of a loved one, changes are required and adjustments are made. However, even…

Death could not hold Him

It was the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, that Jesus Christ would give His life to justify the many. From the beginning of creation, God knew He would have to send His son to save a fallen people. It was Christ who took the death that was a result from our sin. However, death…

Jonah: In the Fish

You can almost guarantee, that when Jonah took off to Tarshish, that he never expected to end up alive in the belly of a sea monster. Sometimes in life, we find ourselves in circumstances that we never would have planned for. Jonah did not know that He would come out alive. Yet, even on the…