Message archive

Elijah: Prophet of God

Seth Snowden shares with us in our series, ‘Up Close and Personal.’ Elijah was a prophet of God to the northern kingdom of Israel during 9th century BC. He spoke with conviction as he displayed the heart of God to a people that had gone astray. Through Elijah, God turned the tides of the culture…

John: Love One Another

John carries one major theme throughout most of his biblical writing, ‘Love one another.’ As Christians, Jesus said that we were to be identified by our love. Knowing the love that God has for us and acknowledging that His spirit dwells within the believer, we have no excuse not to love others. It is this…

Fathers Day: Bring Them Up

If your children were to be interviewed and asked for three major attributes of their father, what would they say? What would we want them to say? What is it that your children see in the way that you manage your home? Pastor Sean delivers a powerful and challenging message for the fathers, letting them…

Mary Magdalene

The Bible doesn’t give you much when you examine the life of Mary of Magdala. However from what we do see in scripture, we can see that Mary was a generous contributor and loyal follower to the ministry of Jesus Christ. It’s clear that there was a life transforming moment in her life when she…

At The Feet of Love

Sean continues the series entitled, “Up Close and Personal,” by examining the lives of two women who were identified by their sin and affliction. Their reputation preceded them and it left them in a place of brokenness, desperate for healing. It is in these scriptures that we see Jesus use interruption for opportunity. These two…

Missions Weekend

Rev. David Herne shares the history and on going work of Heritage AFlame with the people of Believers Chapel. Believers Chapel was birthed from the ministry of Heritage AFlame and continues to serve alongside them in advancing the gospel overseas. God is doing a great work through this partnership and we are so blessed that…