Message archive

The Kingdom of God

The final message of the ‘Doing Life Together’ series. Pastor Sean Obergfell talks about what it truly means to pray and allow God to rule in your home as He does in Heaven. Christ offers peace for the believer, but that does not mean a life without trouble or trials. The peace of God, one…

Sex and Money

Sex and money can become two of the biggest areas of frustration within a marriage. When either is abused or misused it leads to confusion and heartache. However, they can also bring a sense of unity between a couple when we are in a place of looking to give rather than looking to take. God…


Proper communication plays a crucial role in the development of a healthy relationship. The Bible reminds us that we have the power to build a person up or tear them down simply by the words that we speak. Our words, whether praise or criticism, shape the the atmosphere of our homes and our lives. Knowing…

Tough and Tender

God has set up marriage in a way to represent Christ and His love for the church. World view and public opinion will not bring about the marriage that God has desires for you. It is in His word that we find the role of a husband, the one who is to be the spiritual…

Far Above Jewels

Far too often relationships are taken for granted. We tend to lose sight of what we once valued. The Bible tells us that a prudent wife, one who fears the Lord, is worthy to be praised. Even the greatest of marriages will fall apart without the proper time, dedication, and investment. You take care of…