Message archive

On Purpose: Worship

Worship is something that is instructed biblically. We see the people of God bringing forth praise and offering ever since their days of exodus from Egypt. However, if our songs and don’t come from a place of the heart we’ve missed the point. Genuine worship to God come from a place of recognizing not only…

On Purpose: Giving

We come to church on purpose. We come to give to God of our finances and provisions. Rather than clinging to the things of this world, our hope is in Jesus Christ. He is our provider and sustainer. This issue of giving is one that stems from the heart. It is something that we should…

I Am: Creator

There will be a day when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Whether or not you believe it here and now, every man will be without excuse. Since the beginning of creation God has placed His power and majesty on display for all to see. The first…

I Am: Faithful

The faithfulness of our God is essential to all that we believe as Christians. We are trusting that our God is faithful to be who He says He is. We trust that He truly will never leave us or forsake us. We cling to the belief that He is faithful to forgive those that humble…

I Am: Love

As followers of Jesus Christ, we should be absolutely amazed to know that our God loves us. The creator of the sun, moon, and stars deeply cares for you beyond the weight of your mistakes or shortcomings. It is in the very character of our God to go after and save that which was lost.…