Message archive

The Master’s Talents

Here in this parable of the talents, Jesus is speaking to His disciples on the importance of stewardship. Our salvation in Christ comes by grace through faith, but we will stand before God one day and give an account for what we did with our faith. It is only that which we do for the…

The Value of Salvation

Jesus uses four different parables to emphasize one point: the value of salvation. Here in the temporary, we can often become distracted or overwhelmed by the things of this Earth. Jesus makes it abundantly clear that our knowledge of God through our relationship with Him is to be off top priority. As Paul the apostle…

The Opinion of One

Truly, as followers of Christ, there should only be one opinion of value in our lives. If we have surrendered ourselves to God, then it is His standards that we are to uphold. No matter what public opinion or culture view may say, our lives are to align with the Word of God. Amidst a…

The Prodigal Son

In what is known as one of the greatest short stories ever told, Jesus gives us a picture of the love that God the Father has for His children. Whether through temptation, ignorance, or defiance, we have all rejected God at some point in our lives. We went our own way and tried to do…