Message archive

A Shepard’s Response

The announcement came that the King had been born! Jesus Christ was born as the promised Messiah. It was He who would deliver the Israelite people back into the hands of God. Such an announcement brought an entire host of angels. Their song filled the night sky of a lonely hillside. It was a handful…

Identified By Love

There is so much wonder and joy as you begin to explore the gifts of the Spirit. God uses us to encourage, empowers us to speak truth, and can use us to bring about supernatural healing. It can be easy to put such emphasis on these gifts that empower and enable us to things out…

Worship as a Weapon

The heart of worship goes far beyond the elements of music. It is the very heart cry of creation to its creator. It is an outward praise of an inward reverence and adoration. Biblically, we see times of worship at crucial stages of life. We see worship take the form of a weapons as we…

Supernatural Living

As followers of Christ, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to live a life of joy, peace, and righteousness. The Spirit of God dwells within us and as we walk with Him, He produces the fruit of the Spirit into our lives. We have access to strength within us to persevere and overcome in…

Be Filled

When we are brought to a place of salvation in our hearts, it is the Holy Spirit of God that comes and resides with us. It is by the help of the Spirit that we overcome temptation, love in the face hate, pursue through tribulation, and display the character of God to the world. The…

The Spirit Within

When we come to a personal relationship with Christ, we are given the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit of God comes upon the believers and dwells within those who know Christ as Lord and Savior. As we said last week, this is to our benefit. The Holy Spirit comes on with power…

Testimonies of Al Batt

Our dear friend, Al Batt, share his heart and personal accounts of testimony and evangelism. Al has been a pastor in this community for many, many years and he has been blessed to see many hearts turn to Christ during his ministry. We are called to run this race with endurance, and Al is a…