Message archive

Moments: Fishing with Jesus

Peter was a skilled fisherman. He had his own little business and made a life of doing what he loved. However, when Peter met Jesus, something changed. Upon the invitation, “Follow Me,” Peter left everything behind to be with Jesus. It was the beginning of a relational journey that truly eventually lead to the formation…

Moments: A Cry for Help

God spoke to Jonah concerning the people of Nineveh, but his own reservations sent him heading in the other direction. Jonah had no desire to see the people of Nineveh change their ways. It wasn’t until Jonah himself fled and experienced the wrath and mercy of God that he answered his calling. Jonah’s moment of…

Moments: I’m with Him

It’s amazing that all throughout history, God has chosen and used ordinary men and women to carry His will out upon the earth. Moses was 80 years old when God called him to lead the Israelite people out of Egypt. Age aside, Moses had his own reasons for reservation. It almost seemed as though God…

Moments: Experiencing Grace

When you really look at different moments in your life, there are certain ones that stand out. Moments of life, such as a wedding day or finding out about a pregnancy, that are simply unforgettable. In our Christian walk, we also experience moments with God that are life changing and create a lasting impact in…