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Shoulder to Shoulder

The task that Nehemiah took on was great. It simply could not be done alone. After receiving the King’s blessing, Nehemiah gathered together the people of God. This burden he had was a burden to share. Shoulder to shoulder, the families of Israel came together. Unified in heart and purpose, the rebuilding of the wall…

Favor for His Glory

Nehemiah had a deep reverence for God. This biblical account of a human man goes beyond the building of a wall. This was about more than uniting and protecting the people of God. Nehemiah’s burden was stemmed from a place of honor. Nehemiah asked God for favor in order that He might bring glory to…

Nehemiah: Have A Burden

God pressed a passionate burden upon the heart of Nehemiah. The people of God had been scattered and their walls had crumbled. As the Lord brought the nation back together, He used Nehemiah to encourage the people to rebuild and establish the nation of Israel in order to glorify the name of God.

The Resurrection

From the very beginning of creation, Christ was set apart to fulfill the will of His Father. It was Jesus who would become the sacrificial lamb that would satisfy the wrath of God in the name of justice. The cross was where sin was defeated and the grave was conquered in the resurrection. Jesus Christ…

Bear His Cross

Jesus came and lived upon this earth for the purpose of being the sacrificial lamb that would take away the sins of the world. It is through His death, burial, and resurrection that we find salvation. Christ willing went to the cross and laid down His life that we would be saved. As characters in…

The Invisible: Heaven

Our time on this earth is temporary. As believers, we recognize that this world is not our home. Here, we are strangers in a foreign land. We were created to live in the presence of God and we should eagerly await the day we find ourselves on the celestial shores. However, while our time here…

The Invisible

You can not deny the presence of angelic beings when you go according to the word of God. Evidence of their existence is recorded both in the old and new testament. Time and time again God sent Him messengers on His behalf to carry out the work of His will. We see angles come alongside…