Message archive

Together: Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a big deal to God. The whole reasons Christ came was to reconcile and repair the relationship between God and mankind. When we choose not to forgive one another, it goes against the very character of God. Just as we have experienced forgiveness in our lives, we should forgive those who have come…

Together: Be the Example

God set up marriage in a way for husbands to lead their wives. This isn’t done in a way of orders and demands, but rather in the same manner that Christ has loved the church. The spiritual accountability of a home is the responsibility of the husband. He must lead in love and grace while…

Together: Harmony

God created marriage to work in a way of beautiful balance. Although man and woman were created as equal, they were created very different from one another. It is in their harmony with one another, that God reveals His own nature. For marriage is the very picture of Christ and the Church.

Marriage First

It was God who designed and set up the parameters of marriage. We first see in Genesis that man and woman were designed to partner with one another to encourage, build up, and assist one another through life. When we do marriage the way that God designed for it to work, we find a marriage…